Jemima's first birthing with Quinn ended with an emergency cesarean and this time she was out to prove her body she could do this with little or no intervention.
Jemima had been practicing hypno-birthing and knew more then i even i knew, even after birthing 3 children of my own.
So i was extremely excited to be a part of their birthing journey as there chosen photographer.
Jem's due date came and past, we touched base every other day on how she was feeling and they day before Stella's arrival had a phone chat that made me so proud to be at this special moment, i had goosebumps from head to toe.
Around 11pm that night i received a text just explaining there was a little cramping but nothing to worry about.
1am rolled around and another text to say the pain was enough to wake her up.
My bags were already packed and in the car, and as hubby was away for work i had plans in place for my own 3 little blessings.
6am confirmed Jemima's bag of waters had broken and i set off on my drive to Tweed hospital. Dropping my tribe off to my (overly) excited parents.
What happened next , You can see below.
A successful drug free VBAC (Vaginal birth after cesarean)
I am in awe of this woman.

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