Thursday, 26 July 2012

Birth : Harmony

Its a funny little tale of how i met Raeshell and Travis.
My family and i were doing a quick shop at our local supermarket when my ever so clucky husband approached an expecting couple and questioned how long they had left in their pregnancy. They were a short 5 weeks off meeting their little miss. He followed by asking if they had looked in to a maternity or birth photographer and quietly slipped them my business name.
By the time i had checked my facebook page, Rae and Travis had become followers of my Birthography page and sent through a message.
I couldn't help but laugh and joke a little about it all!
*Note: I do not pay my husband commission.. ;-)
After sending through the Birthing Experience information they were both on board and very excited.

A couple of weeks later we enjoyed a relaxing afternoon sun down on a local bit of land capturing Raeshell's gorgeous baby bump and not long after i finally got the call..
In the wee hours of the morning, with a little help from a delivering daddy, Little miss Harmony was ready to greet the world.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Born : Ivy

After clucking over Ivy at her recent birth, i couldn't wait to have her in for some snuggles. 
Not long now until i see her sweet little self and stunning mum Nikki to capture her family photos 
including a doting dad and a gorgeous big brother. ♥ 

Monday, 9 July 2012

{ Birth : Braxton }

I was so excited when Emily invited me to share in experiencing the birth of her first child.
Emily has brought me much joy since our first catch up at her maternity session only a few weeks ago. She brought me out of my comfort zone and helped me test my boundaries. And for that i can not thank her enough.

When i got the midnight text letting me know her little boy wanted to meet his mumma, i quickly got out of my pyjamas and in to some warm clothes and snuggled back in to bed before i waited to her from her again.
I tossed and turned, checked facebook and emails until i finally snuck out of bed and made a coffee around 1am.
Not long after that the call was in to head down to the hospital.
The room was bursting with love and anticipation as i joined a very excited little family coaching baby Braxton in to the world.


Monday, 2 July 2012

{ Birth : Ivy }

Sweet Ivy is a smart little miss.. Knowing just how chilly it is out here she decided to stay put a little longer in the warmth of her Mumma.
Exactly a week later, finally she realized it was time to meet her family.
And they couldn't wait to meet her too.